Tuesday, December 25, 2007


8 am.... So tired! Did not want to get out of bed! But in a matter of minutes her interest was aroused to check out her presents.

Donny wanted a new pillow! And they both gave each other pillows!

Soft Bathrobe for Shelly

Likes the bows!
Don, watching the excitement. He received a pocket knife with PawPa engraved on it.
Amber in her Cheerleading outfit. She changed clothes as fast as she unwrapped them.

We went over to Donny and Shelly's house, cooked breakfast and gave thanks to the Lord for a wonderful day. Opened presents from each other.
I received a beautiful necklace with my Grandbabies pictures engraved on it. New technology is something. I love it and hope your Christmas day is blessed like ours.

1 comment:

Emily said...

You are truly blessed with a wonderful family! God is good!