Thursday, November 22, 2007


We had a wonderful day!

As you see, everyone seemed to have more fun outside then inside. My two sisters were here with their husbands, Jan and Bruce,and Dot (Bruce' mom) and Carol and David, also my good friend Lea and Bob were here. My son, Donny, his wife Shelly and our two grandaughters , Amber and Madelynne. Also David's son, Jason and his girlfriend, Elise were having a blast on the golf carts. I mean tearing up the back yard, we have about 4 acres they were running circles around in. The younger boys got to drive too (with adults along), so that made their day! We have 5 golf carts, one is a 4x4.
My nephew came from the Panhandle area with his 2 sons, Joseph and Jeremy.
My grand daughter and Jeremy enjoyed a ride on Cocoa. Everywhere that Cocoa went, Cisco followed, Cisco will not leave Cocoa's side.

I had to put the picture of the dog in here, he was a riot! He was recently adopted from the dog pound by my son, he is Donny's shadow, he chased Donny around on the golf cart for about an hour-non stop. He is the best little guy, his name is Coda, goes to work with Donny. He is very obedient, house broken, and all the kids can play on top of him. He was a great pick!

We had turkey,corn and old fashion dressings, ham, sweet potatoe casserole, corn souffle, carrot raisen salad,waldorf salad, mashed potatoes, gravy,green bean almondine, lots of homemade bread, and about 8 pies. It truely was a blessed day!

When we were all done cleaning up the kitchen, my 2 sisters, Lea and I sat down on the couch and we started going from one to another and said what we are thankful for. It was a very good time to relax and to be thankful. We would always end up on the Lord, He is the source of all our blessings!
We love you!
Thanks for stopping by and checking us out!

1 comment:

fixedonHIM said...

WOW! Cathie, what a beautiful & blessed day with your family & friends! Your menu today sounds so good! Your home & property are gorgeous. Cocoa & Cisco look like they adored all the attention have such a sweet family!

We started our new tradition today about being thankful right after the blessing and it was so awesome to see how God put things on people's hearts to share and how it really touched us all! God is so incredibly FAITHFUL and it was more than I could even think or imagine!!! We were starting it to benefit the girls and they were too shy to say anything...:) funny how God works sometimes!!! Thanks again for sharing this with us all on Stream:)

Love You, The Cornett Family