Thursday, December 28, 2006


Shelly with Madelynne Faith, Our Miracle Baby! When Shelly was 6 months pregnant, the Doctor suspected heart problems with the baby. We all put our trust in God and believed for a miracle that the baby would be born with no heart problems. The cardiac Doctor came in last night and checked her over and found nothing wrong with her. Praise God! We thank the Lord for His wonderful gift of Madelynne Faith. Her name was changed from another when problems were developing in Shelly's pregnancy with the baby's heart. So it was Madelynne Faith, for by Faith, she was going to be whole! Truely there is importance in names and what and who you believe in! Blessings to all who read this!!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Cathie - she is a cutie and PTL that her heart is perfect!!! Congratulations again and I am so sorry I mispelled her name. I love the Madelynne - beautiful!